ORION8 is “committed” to provide quality parts and services that exceed our customers’ expectations on time, and every time. ORION8 focuses on:

What has kept ORION8 in business is the quality of customer service and quality parts. ORION8 concentrates on same day feedback to all customer requirements and prompt follow-up. ORION8 holding an ISO certification sets a standard of procedures that aim to receive quality parts and in turn ORION8 customers receive 100% quality parts leaving no room for error.

ORION8 being a corporation that strives on customer satisfaction also provides many added value services to accommodate any customer needs. ORION8 keeps inventory for their regular customers and has a qualified workforce available 24 hours a day in multiple regions around the world. ORION8 acquired staff members are assigned on daily basis to change the ship dates if required based upon customer’s instructions.

Our customers work in various fields of electronic industry, logistics, IFE content, digital laboratories, server technology and development. We offer solutions for clients of different levels, from the implementation of planned deliveries to the enterprises to provide continuous supply of electronic components or cloud services and post-production services worldwide. In order to get fully acquainted with all the benefits of our company, please contact us using the feedback form.